Monday, April 14, 2014

Sports Pages 14

I personally think that sport is becoming more of a safe place for LGBT athletes but isn't completely safe yet.  If there are still people afraid to come out in the sports world (which there still are), it will never be completely "safe".  I think that when it is less of a big deal to be LGBT in sports and people aren't singles out for being gay as they are now, the atmosphere for LGBT individuals will be safer.  
Strategies that I think would create a more inclusive sport culture would be to maybe have more sensitivity classes that all players of a given team should be required to take before they can be apart of a team while not having people who happen to be LGBT feel as if they are being singled out.  When referring to the movie that we watched, we see that girls who were lesbian or associated with lesbians were singled out and discriminated against, making it even harder for these individuals to speak up and explain who they really were.  By stifling people and making them feel like they have to keep their true identity a secret makes them only feel even more alienated and as time goes on, hopefully more of an inclusive atmosphere will develop in the sports world to promote more inclusivity.