Monday, February 24, 2014

High School Sport (Counts as 2 Sport Pages)

The social conditions in which high school sport emerged were creating a social outlet for teenagers to create bonds with one another and foster a sense of belonging and community.  In addition to this, high school sports develop and can possibly instill the ideals of commitment and hard work to the growing teenagers within schools in our society.
The objective of high school sport is to not only bring players on the team closer together, but also to bring the entirety of the school body together as well. Take the football homecoming games for example.  There are pep rallies and parades and then the whole high school (and the rest of the surrounding community) are able to get involved in order to cheer the home team on.  This has been a tradition for many high schools across the country and its persistence shows that getting the school body and the community's involvement is a primary objective for high school sports. 
Possible problems with interscholastic sports can possibly be rivalries taken too far between different schools and also sports having TOO much of an importance in the lives of the student body and in the lives of the student athletes.  When rivalries are taken too far, people and property might be potentially put at risk because of the strong hatred that one school can have for another. Also, the sports weighing too on a student athlete can male them divert time that they could be using for their studies to just focusing on the sport that they play.  As far as a solution for the mass rivalries, this could be diminished by more harsh penalties against the school if they are to take it too far when their school plays another school in a given sport.

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